Important Testing Tools involved in the Web Development

 In recent times businesses are moving to the digital platform, to reach their target audience and improve the conversion rates.

web development is a sequential process and has various processes in building a website and the testing process is very important. To get an astonishing Website for your Business Go for best Web Development Company to get the Web Development Services 

Testing is the process of verifying and validating that software or application is bug-free, meets the technical requirements as guided by its design and development, and meets the user demands.

Here we are going to see the testings used in the web development process.


A cucumber is a Behavior-driven tool and it allows you Tests in plain English and other spoken languages. The test can be done within the browser with help of 3rd party tools like Watir, Selenium. Its main purpose is to test ruby on rails applications. Cucumber can be used to test various programming languages like Java, Python, and PHP.


SimpleTest is the automated testing method, It allows to write test with the use of PHP syntax and it has features that are not present in PHPUnit. Those features in PHPunit are tested with help of 3rd party tools like Web interface to test the Authentication and web forms. SimpleTest's is a user-friendly approach and this testing gets the framework appreciation among members of the PHP community. 



A huge amount of time is spent on testing and debugging with all stages of execution. Quite difficult in PHP statements as reviewing objects is confusing to the coherent formatting as the object contents are output to the browser. It is very helpful in improving the readability of the data from objects and arrays output on the browser. XDebug is very easy to install and you will be admired to see how you get along sans it.


Test-driven web development is highly effective in the current scenario. In this approach, developers need not spent dedicated time to testing while writing codes. This helps developers to consider different errors or unexpected results. With the help of the PHPUnit testing framework, PHP developers get a wonderful solution to do TDD as it presents a wonderful solution to write, organize, and automate tests. An authentication test can be done with these tools. This test confirms that the account controller’s login action is useful in accepting a valid email address and password, authenticating the account, redirecting the user to the site’s homepage.


FirPHP permits you to log information in an easier way as well as other data addressing from a PHP script. It helps you debug Ajax-driven features or as you desire to inspect the contents of an object or array sans inserting and deleting echo or var_dump statements. This Firefox extension requires you to install a simple PHP library on the server then run your PHP-driven website. This script eases out the communication between the server and the FirePHP.


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