
Showing posts with the label androidapp

What are the benefits of Native and Hybrid mobile apps?

  Native apps are developed for specific platforms and they run on the specified platforms they are built for. There are native apps like Android, iOS, Windows, and Blackberry. The android app is developed using Java and Eclipse, iOs app is coded using Objective-C and Xcode. These apps provide excellent efficiency while running on their platforms and they cannot run on other platforms. In case of HTML5 web apps where they are built using HTML5, JavaScript, & CSS. As it cross-platform app they can run on multiple OS and don't need a separate coding for various devices. Comparing to native apps they are quite low on cross platforms as they are built using standard technologies. Hybrid Apps that have combined features of native and web apps with robust features. Hybrid apps created internally within a native technology container on the outside. There are various types of hybrid apps, we will see about the Xamarin hybrid app.   Native Apps Development Native apps are developed by t

What is wearable technology and how it impacts mobile app development?

  In this COVID19 Pandemic situation, people are anxious about their health conditions due to the disease spread. Technology advancement has to play a vital role in handling these pandemic situations efficiently with the help of Wearable. Mobile apps are playing a significant role in many aspects of the healthcare industry. Here we will discuss how wearables influenced the Mobile app for health care industries.     What is Wearable Technologies?   Wearable technologies are sensors used to monitor human activities like physiological as well as biochemical conditions on routine life.     Wearable devices can be combined with shoes, eyeglasses, earrings, clothing, gloves, and watches. Even wearables device is placed on the skin. Small Sensors can be inserted into the atmosphere, like chairs, car seats, and mattresses.     How wearable Device works?   These wearable device data can be collected with help of apps installed on your smartphones. Smartphones are used to collect and store the u

What are the important tools involved in building cross-platform apps?

  In recent times mobile app development for business is essential for enhancing business through online presence. Mobile phones have become an undetachable device from the people, they are spending more time on their mobiles.   There are various types of development tools to build high-quality online services. The mobile apps are built according to the platform required. There are two types of mobile apps like iOs and android. Hybrid app development tools are helping the developers over the native apps, as the hybrid app can be run on cross-platform devices.   Tools for Mobile App Development   PhoneGap   PhoneGap is from Cordova an open-source framework that allows the developer to build a program in various languages like, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It supports developers in various aspects of building an app implemented by native SDKs, like iOS, BlackBerry, Android, and Windows. Cordova source is widely familiar among the developers, as they get expert support and outstanding mobil

Importance of Mobile app for your Business?

The businessman intended to find various solutions for improving their sales every year. As you all know that people are buying products through an online platform. As an increase in usage of smartphones has revolutionized the business moving to the digital platform. Businesses are moving to the online platform to provide 24/7 sales to their potential clients. Using the Online Service you can improve your marketing.   You have to analyze your company's needs and research on the competitor how they handle clients through their application. Have proper planning whether you can deliver goods to the users and marketing strategies before going for Mobile app development services. You need to invest in planning, creating, distributing, and then periodically spend money on updates. Calculate how much you will spend so that later there will be no surprises.   Importance of Mobile app for your Business   In the current scenario, every business needs a mobile app to enhance the business with

Important Reasons for App Failure and how to avoid them

Mobile apps downloads, ads, and purchases are going to have a huge revenue of $188.9 billion by 2020. These data itself indicate that people are more attached to their mobile devices and purchasing apps. The people spent an average of 3hours 40minutes on their smartphones Mobile users just take a few minutes to think over for downloading a specific app. Within a fraction of the time, you have to satisfy the users and make them download your app. Launching a successful app is not that much easy, as it has to be focused carefully to attain the users. you have to plan the things before the Pre-App launch and Post App launch  While launching an app to the market you should focus on some criteria. The important Metrics to be aware of before launching an app into the market and how to   check General Metrics The general metrics consist of   the overall traffic an app gets upon being downloaded, total remarks, rate of response on social media, and the subscriber growth r