
Showing posts with the label Enterprise Blockchain Solutions & Services

What makes the Blockchain Special?

  What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a collection of nodes connected in a Peer to peer mechanism, Each node is connected with previous and successive blocks. Blockchain uses distributed ledger technology, each transaction's details are recorded with a time stamp on this shared ledger, Each participant can view the transaction details.   What makes the blockchain so special? The blockchain is a technology that enables secure, non-manipulable transactions in the network and is therefore also interesting independently of Bitcoin.  A frequently cited example is provided by IBM with Food Trust, a blockchain-based platform for tracing food. The Blockchain is used in the supply chain of the food industry, it starts from producer to the processor, trader, and retailer to the user. Everybody in this chain can view the required details with provided authentication for that particular person accessing the shared data. This helps in assuring trust, transparency in product handling on the suppl

The Financial Sectors Disrupted by Blockchain Technology

  The Blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions. These are distributed Ledgers are for storing the timestamped transaction among the parties involved. It affords a direct connection among the parties by eliminating the central authority for validating the transactions. Each node is connected in peer to peer network and avoids a central controlling node.   Blockchain has multiple uses in the financial sector, from dispensing commercial papers and helping the faster transfer of securities and payments to reducing trading costs by eliminating mediators and enhancing the client experience. The technology also shrinks and streamlines the trade finance process with the least third-party interference.      For international transactions, blockchain allows real-time payments and by reducing liquidity, and operational costs, verifying fraudulent.   The blockchain has the potential to eradicate the time and risk in issuing international letters of credits and documentation process.     The

Why have Blockchain Solutions for your Enterprise?

  Blockchain is a network of interconnected data blocks, it has a distributed ledger which contains the details of the transactions held on the network. Blockchain has three important features which make it a well-secured platform for the business, Immutable, Transparency, and Decentralized.   Immutable - it is a property in which once the transaction held on the blockchain can not be altered by any others. As the data blocks are interconnected with previous and successive blocks with hash functions. They provide tamper-proof for your data from hackers.   Transparency - It is Property in which transaction held on the Blockchain are viable to all the parties/persons involved in the transactions.   Decentralization   - It is a property in which it eliminates third-party authentications(Bank), it helps to have direct connection among the peoples and it avoids 3rd parties like banks.   Why prefer Blockchain Applications for industries   Blockchain is Cheaper Blockchain is cheaper as compar